Monday, March 31, 2008

Review of Titanic

What is it about this movie? Why exactly is this movie the highest grossing movie of all time (unadjusted for inflation)? What sent people into the theatres over and over?

Surely it wasn't the love story. I've heard the love story described as vapid. I've heard many references to clunky dialogue. I've heard people call it boring.

Surely it wasn't the spectacle. Nobody wants to see a movie about a big boat going boom. Who in their right mind would want to see people fall a hundred feet off the stern of a boat and go splat in the water? Drowning children? Bobbing frozen corpses? What bloodlust and sadism!

Surely it wasn't the attention to detail. In our day and age, it is merely expected that a historical pic like this will be well researched. If a movie does not elaborately reconstruct sets so that the audience feels like they've entered another era, it has failed its job. Why should Titanic feel so special?

The answer is: all three of those things. Despite what people who were "too cool" for this movie say, millions of people found the love story compelling. People liked seeing other people go squish in the water. And above it all floats the love and care that the cast and crew put into making everything seem perfect. The costumes, the research, the sets, the fact that they recreated a life-size Titanic (!), all of these delight the viewer's senses.

I don't care what all y'all say. I really like this show.

4 hearts of the ocean out of 5

ps- If you need more evidence that the MPAA is corrupt, ponder why this film with shocking violence, swearing, and naked Kate Winslet is rated PG-13.

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