Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Review of Do the Right Thing


A complicated movie for sure. A good movie? That's hard to say.

On one hand, the show has awful pacing issues. The opening credits are laughable. Only slightly less laughable is the way that Spike Lee preaches at his audience, with characters speaking directly to the camera to pound his message in. Irritating characters yell at each other and drift pointlessly in and out of the plot.

Yet, when the lights came up, those of us who attended the viewing had a lot to say about what we had just seen. We talked about why we liked it and hated it. We talked about this or that character's actions. We talked about our own personal views on racism. These are the tell-tale signs that a movie has struck a chord with its audience.

If you haven't seen this show, I think it's important for you to know that Spike Lee is trying to preach at you. Secondly, it's important to know that Spike is going to preach at you with symbolism. One of the first images we see in the movie is a photgraph of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X standing side by side. The movie also ends with quotes by both of these men. The show is essentially about the conflict between the ideas represented by these men. King says never to use violence, Malcolm X says it is permissible. Moderation vs. Extremism. These are the underlying themes of Do the Right Thing, and if you are expecting a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat plot, you will be disappointed.

So in the end, I'll admit the movie affected me. But I have to take points off for being boring and for being preachy. Sorry, Spike.

2 1/2 out of 5 Slices of Pizza

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