Monday, October 1, 2007

Review of Swing Time

Swing Time is what it is: a Fred Astaire-Ginger Rogers movie. As such, coming into the movie, one should not expect anything sublime or extremely moving. It's just a bit-o'-fun.

I came into the show expecting this, and I must say it helped that I was drunk while I watched it. From my buzz, the dancing seemed fun, the lame-duck humour of the 30's just seemed innocent and charming, and the plot didn't seem all that bad. As I said, being drunk helped. Luckily, there was a sober person next to me, Suzi, who thought the movie was okay.

Ever seen a movie with a cool blackface routine in it? Come to think of it, have you ever seen ANYTHING with a cool blackface routine? Swing Time has it. It's a trippy little number entitled, "Mr. Bojangles". For all you folks who like getting high and watching pretty imagery, this scene is a must-see.

To sum up, it was true to itself and what it was, mildly entertaining, and expertly executed. At least while drinking.

3 out of 5 lucky quarters

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